avoid confusion with 意味

  • ~との混同{こんどう}を避ける


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. in 1869 , to avoid confusion with kameyama city , mie prefecture , the name was changed from kameyama to kameoka .
  2. another reason may be to avoid confusion with another road in kyoto city ' s yamashina basin , which is also known as nara-kaido road .
  3. in order to avoid confusion with 陶器 which is read " toki " meaning earthenware nowadays , the archaeological term " sueki " is commonly used .
  4. note that to avoid confusion with nagaoka city , niigata prefecture , the city was named after nagaoka-kyo , which had included the area of nagaoka-cho in its territory .
  5. it is also called rokki or sukuyo (astrology ), but these are the names created after the meiji period to avoid confusion with shichiyoreki (calendar of the seven luminaries ).


        avoid any confusion in:    ~での混乱を避ける
        avoid confusion and needless paperwork:    混乱{こんらん}と無駄{むだ}な書類作業{しょるい さぎょう}を避ける
        avoid confusion in the market:    市場{しじょう}の混乱{こんらん}を避ける
        avoid economic confusion:    経済混乱{けいざい こんらん}を回避{かいひ}する
        avoid more confusion:    これ以上混乱{いじょう こんらん}を招かないようにする
        avoid unnecessary confusion:    不必要{ふひつよう}な混乱{こんらん}を避ける
        avoid any further confusion in the diet:    さらなる国会{こっかい}の混乱{こんらん}を避ける
        avoid concern and confusion among depositors:    預金者{よきんしゃ}の不安{ふあん}や混乱{こんらん}を避ける
        avoid confusion in the international and domestic economic systems:    世界{せかい}および日本{にほん}の経済{けいざい}システムに混乱{こんらん}が生じないようにする
        confusion:     confusion n. 混乱, 混雑; ろうばい. 【動詞+】 add unnecessary confusion to the situation 事態をいたずらに混乱させる aggravate the confusion 混乱をいっそうひどくする To avoid confusion let me make it clear that…. 混乱を
        confusion on:    ~に関する誤解{ごかい}[混乱{こんらん}]
        in confusion:    in confusion 慌てて あわてて
        to be in confusion:    to be in confusion 取り紛れる とりまぎれる
        avoid:     avoid v. 避ける. 【副詞1】 I barely avoided a tree . もうちょっとで木に車をぶつけるところだった Sprays containing this substance are better avoided. この物質を含むスプレーは避けるがよい She carefully avoided replying to that
        to avoid:    to avoid 斎む いむ 躱す かわす 避く さく 交す 交わす かわす 免れる まぬかれる まぬがれる


  1. "avoid conflicts with members of the group" 意味
  2. "avoid confrontations" 意味
  3. "avoid confusion and needless paperwork" 意味
  4. "avoid confusion in the international and domestic economic systems" 意味
  5. "avoid confusion in the market" 意味
  6. "avoid congestion" 意味
  7. "avoid consumimg excessive amounts" 意味
  8. "avoid contact with blood between" 意味
  9. "avoid contact with other people" 意味
  10. "avoid confusion in the international and domestic economic systems" 意味
  11. "avoid confusion in the market" 意味
  12. "avoid congestion" 意味
  13. "avoid consumimg excessive amounts" 意味

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